Kyle in a Winnebago Travato

Kyle in a Winnebago Travato

Growing up, Kyle and his family hit the lowest of lows moving in and out of homeless shelters and standing in line at food and clothing banks. It led to frequently moving, attending 14 different schools, becoming one of the worst kids in the school district and finally dropping out after being told by teachers that he'll "most likely end up flipping burgers, in jail, or dead." Tune in for this podcast as we talk with Kyle about his path from being homeless to home free.

Jon & Janessa in a Casita Trailer

Jon & Janessa in a Casita Trailer

When Jon & Janessa were 17, they fell madly in love with each other and with the goal to explore the world. Now, they are living out of their Casita trailer with the freedom to be anywhere at any time. They follow a four-hour workweek and the rest of the time they spend writing, reading, surfing, hiking and laying in the sun. To them, time will always be greater than any amount of money.

Kati & Jody in a Ford Transit Van

Kati & Jody in a Ford Transit Van

Kati & Jody and their three dogs have traveled across the country and back in a built-out Ford Transit. Kati teaches yoga and is an organic lifestyle consultant. Jody is a carpenter and handyman with a passion for horticulture and music.     

They have discovered several lessons from a life on the road. One of the biggest ones has been learning how to dedicate their lives to living purposefully and consciously in honor of Earth and all its elements.

Anik & Tom in a VW Bus

Anik & Tom in a VW Bus

Before Anik & Tom moved into their rig, they had a simple life. And although it was simple, they found it boring. Doing the same thing every day of the week had them on edge and restless. The small trips they were doing each year were never enough.

So in the summer of 2015, they decided to hit the road in their vintage van. In between van travels, they live in an off-the-grid trailer that acts as their home base and keeps them warm in the winter months.

Brianna in a Ford Van

Brianna in a Ford Van

Brianna and her husband Keith live in a 1990 Ford E350 van named Bertha. I first learned about Brianna through Instagram. I was drawn to photos of her two dogs, Bucket and Dagwood, going on amazing adventures. Whether they are repelling down a canyon wall or cruising down the road in their van, these two dogs seem to be living quite the life with Brianna and Keith leading the way.

Abe, Kate & Jonah on a Sailboat

Abe, Kate & Jonah on a Sailboat

I usually don't feature people living in more than 500 square feet, but I was inspired by this family who is sailing away from the traditional home. Not only are they living on a sailboat, they are also sustaining an off-the-grid lifestyle.     

Now, after six months living at anchor around the Orcas Island, they are taking a break on land as they await another child and offer others the sailboat-living experience.

James in a VW Van

James in a VW Van

James has been living in his 1976 VW van for a little more than two years. Before he moved in, he was camping in it about five times a week. Inside, he put a wood stove in place of his passenger seat as a way to stay warm in the winter.     

Currently, James' schedule revolves around people, waves and projects. He chases swells and freelances as a photographer. And as for the van? James sees it as a means to an end. It's a vehicle to accomplish and do what he loves.